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Recover Damages For A Spinal Cord Injury In Connecticut

The most devastating injury types are permanent and cannot be remedied, despite medical treatment. A spinal cord injury is exactly this – an injury that causes a lasting impairment for victims. If you suffered a spinal cord injury in Connecticut, meet with an attorney today to discuss your options for compensation.

Types Of Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal column consists of bundles of nerves that run down the length of the back and are responsible for sending messages to the brain and the body. Depending upon the severity of the injury, a spinal cord injury is either classified as complete or incomplete.

A complete spinal cord injury means that the area below the point of injury loses all function and sensation. In an incomplete injury, the area below the point of injury is impaired, but the patient may retain some function and sensation.

Further, the injury may be referred to as tetraplegia or quadriplegia, meaning that all four limbs lost function and sensation; or paraplegia, which means that only the limbs and organs below the waist are affected by the injury.

Causes Of Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury may occur when there is severe spinal trauma, causing harm to the spinal column. All of the following accidents, when serious enough, can cause a spinal cord injury.

  • Car and truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Boating or ATV accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents

If a spinal cord injury is suspected, it is essential that the victim seek medical care immediately.

Can A Spinal Cord Injury Be Corrected?

When a person involved in an accident receives medical treatment immediately, damage to the spinal cord may be minimized, and the prognosis may be less severe than it would have been otherwise. Once damage is done, it is virtually impossible to reverse. Treatment following a spinal cord injury may include medication, surgical intervention, immobilization and even experimental treatments, depending on the specifics of the injury. A person who is permanently or partially disabled as a result of a spinal cord injury most likely will require lifetime therapy and care.

What Is A Personal Injury Action?

A personal injury action is an insurance claim or lawsuit that a person who suffered an injury because of another person’s negligence can file. The victim of a car accident, for example, could file a personal injury claim for damages against the driver who caused the accident. This typically begins with filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If the claim doesn’t lead to an acceptable settlement, the victim can file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

A spinal cord injury can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and a lifetime worth of challenges. Filing a personal injury action can help a victim recover all the money it takes to pay for both because economic and noneconomic damages are recoverable under Connecticut law.

The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim for a spinal cord injury in Connecticut is two years, according to the Connecticut General Assembly Statutes Chapter 926.

A Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Can Represent You

The legal requirements for filing a personal injury claim for damages for a spinal cord injury are technical, and without a legal background, doing so on your own is incredibly complex. At Murphy, Laudati, Kiel and Alfano, LLC, our injury attorneys know what you need to file a winning claim. Speak with us today by calling 860-689-1195.